SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.248 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 248 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 248 BID: $OPDX.248 March 25, 1996 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, K2UFT, AE4EZ, AA8SM, NL7TB, NW8F, KB9CRY, W0YR/4, EB2DD, DF4RD, K4YT/DL4YT, DL4VBP, F6AJA & LNDX, F8RU, G4BUE & DX News Sheet, IK2SGC, LA6RHA, ON6QR, PU2LSR and VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for the following DX information. 3W, VIETNAM. Just a reminder! Franz, 3W6GM, will be going QRT on March 31st and returning to Germany. He can be found daily 1100-1500z on 14198 kHz. QSL via DF5GF. 5R, MADAGASCAR. Gerard, 5R8EN, continues to be active daily on 40 meters for the West coast USA stations. Look for him on 7057 kHz while he is listening on 7240 around 1415z. He will give a CW QSO on request. He cannot operate between 7000 and 7050 kHz due to the local restriction, yet there have been reports of activity on 7006 kHz around 0345z. QSL via F6ARA. 5T, MAURITANIA. Bernd, DK3LQ, will be leaving Senegal (where he is currently active as DK3LQ/6W1) and hopes to be active in 5T-land, late March or early April as 5T5MB. 9L1PG AND 9L1MG GOING QRT! Cecil, NW8F (QSL Manager for Paul/9L1PG and Millie/9L1MG), has informed OPDX that Paul and Millie will be leaving very soon (possibly May 15th). Paul will try to spend some time on 80 meters CW for those who still need him on that band. Millie is usually active on the 14226 DX Net. QSL both to NW8F Cecil Williams, 875 Kittle Rd., Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694. BV, TAIWAN. The DXNS report BO0OKS will be active next week (March 29-30th) from Kin-Men (Quemoy) Island. QSL via BV2KI. J5, GUINEA BISSAU. VK2SG RTTY DX Notes report I4LCK and IK4SDY plan to operate from Majo Island (IOTA AF-020) from March 27th to April 6th, signing J56CK and J56DY, respectively. Activity will be on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls. JW, SVALBARD. The three operators JW6RHA (Unni), W9THA (Turid) and JW8KT (Inger) will be active from March 31st to April 7th. Activity will be on SSB and CW modes. Check on SSB around 14248 and 21248 kHz. Unni, LA6RHA, reports that they will fly from Oslo to Svalbard and occupy a small cabin where Unni said their biggest fear is polar bears! KH6, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Look for Laing, KB3TS, (signing KB3TS/KH6) who will be on vacation and plans to be an entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as a multi-single with his son Tim, N3KEG/KH6. Their length of stay is unknown at this time. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. Ken, AE4EZ, reports his DXpedition to Cocos Keeling (VK9/C) and Christmas Island (VK9/X) was cancelled because he had to attend an emergency meeting at Tokyo. Ken plans to make another schedule in the future from these islands. PIRATE ALERT! 3V8AS PIRATE (POSSIBLY)? Sources from Europe indicate that this may be a pirate (not even in 3V-land) and a scam that is taking place. The DXCC Desk does not accept 3V8AS cards at the present. You may be throwing away your greens stamps for nothing. Wait until there is a DXCC acceptence. TT8AK PIRATE. Antoine, F6FNU, would like to let everyone know that this station is NOT legitimate. Also, this Chad callsign has not been re-issued. QSL ROUTE. Matt, IK2SGC, from the (MC2) Contest "TEAM", says if you need a QSL card from any of the IU2M, II2M, and II7M contest operations, you can send it by the bureau or at the same time send Matt an E-mail message to his InterNet address: QSL TIP! Karl, K4YT/DL4YT, states he has been assigned to the consulate in Frankfurt since 11/94 and travels to the former UI8 and UJ8 from time to time. He has been helping the hams out there with outgoing QSLs and some in coming. UK9AA uses him as a central collection point for his cards. Karl states he is really not his manager, but he or one of his engineers flies to Tashkent and Dushanbe each quarter and brings him his cards. Karl suggests using one of the following address: Karl Renz Karl Renz, DL4YT PSC-115 ESC Frankfurt -or- D-60320 Frankfurt APO AE 09213 Ernst Schwendler Str. 5/6 Germany S0, WESTERN SAHARA. Members of the LYNX DX Group have announced that they will be on the air from April 5 to 8th. The DXpedition team will consist of EA2BP, EA2BSJ, EA2CLU, EA2CNU, EA2JG, EA2KL, EA3ELM, EA3GBU, F2VX, F6EXV and Naama S01A. There will be activity on SSB, CW and RTTY, with operations on 6-160 meters, including WARC bands and RS-12. There are plans to have two stations on at the same time. Also, there may be a special prefix used to celebrate the 20th aniversary to Western Sahara. Look for them on the usual DX windows. QSL via EA2JG, Arseli Echeguren, Las Vegas 91, 01479-Luyando, Alava, Spain. TF, ICELAND. A Belgian team will be active from Reykjavik (IOTA EU-021) using TF/callsign/P, from March 26th through April 2nd. On March 28th, they will be active from the Westman Island (EU-071) using TF7/ON6QR/P. After installation of the portable station, they plan to be active between 1000 and 1700z. They also plan to take part in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest. The contest team is composed of Fred/ON6QR, Peter/ON7PC, Jack/ ON5OO, Stef/ON1KSZ, Tan/ON4KHG and Seb/ON4LAI. Look mainly around the IOTA frequencies (7060, 14260 and 21260 kHz). QSL via ON4GO. The Northern Illinois DX Association is pleased to announce the 44th Annual W9DXCC DX Convention and Banquet will be helded Saturday, September 7th, at the Holiday Inn Rolling Meadows, ILLINOIS. There will be interesting programs, guest DX speakers, industry representatives, contests, exhibits, QSL checking, hospitality suites, banquet activities and PRIZES, PRIZES, PRIZES. For info contact: NIDXA or Chairman - Phil Camera, KB9CRY, at (708) 343-1696, FAX (708) 343-4394 or his E-mail address: USI ACTIVITY ("United States Islands" Awards Program). Jim, KA3UNQ, will be active on Cobbs Island (MD-NEW!) and St. George Island (MD-06) on Monday, March 25. Jim will fire up on 14.260 kHz -/+. Both islands are in the Potomac River. The US Island Directory and island list is available on the "WEB" thanks to John, WD8MGQ. There are two versions of the island list ("complete" and "master") to choose from. The "master" version is the most detailed. Try: VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND. In a press release by Warren, KF7AY, he states: "In the latest in a series of VK9X operations from this newly established Christmas Island Casino Resort, Martti Laine, OH2BH will lead his family team, Leena, OH2BE, and Petri, OH2KNB, to a well earned DX vacation over the Easter Holidays." They will touchdown on Christmas Island April 6th, for 5-day stay using the callsign VK9XM. You will find VK9XM in the vicinity of the usual DX frequencies on the bands where VK9XM can make the most of the band conditions. QSL is via JA1BK. ADDED NOTE: OPDX InterNet subscribers will receive a copy of Warren's complete press release in an additional bulletin this week. WP4, PUERTO RICO. A group will be active as WP4U as a Multi/Single operation in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest. Operators will consist of: WP4U, WP4G, RC2AR (AA3BG), RX3QA (KB2WBQ), EW1WZ (KB2WBP), UH8EA/EZ5AA and UR5LAW/UB5LAW. QSL to AA3BG, Box 766, Brooklyn, NY 11230. YM, TURKEY. In the upcoming CQWW WPX Contest (SSB), a group of contesters from the German Rhein Main area will be active from the city of Izmir as a Multi OP/Single TX category using the callsign of YM3DL. They hope to be able to make CW/SSB contacts on 10-160 meters before and after the contest. They will be using YM3DL from March 29-31st and individual callsigns (ex. TA3Z) days before the contest. They will arrive at Izmir on Wednesday, March 27th and operate from the QTH of Mustafa, TA3B. Operators will be: Felix/DL8OBC/AA0NV, Thomas/DL3FDU and Patrick/DL4VBP/ AC5FJ. The QSL route for all contacts made during this operation will be via DL4VBP new address: Dr. Patrick Scheidhauer, DL4VBP, Fontanestrasse 134, D-60431 Frankfurt (Main) Germany ZW & ZY, BRAZIL. Look for the following special callsign to be active in CQWW WPX SSB Contest: ZW2WAL (op PU2LCD) as a Single/Op Single Band entry on 10 meteres around 28400 kHz and ZY2HT (op. Rob, PU2LSR) as a Single/Op Single Band HI-POWER station on 40 meters. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to one of the three following addresses: / / - OR - Send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA - OR - Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 216-237-8208 which shares the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access: 1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111"). (NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP" leave your voice message or FAX. /EXIT